Submit a Letter of Inquiry

A letter of inquiry of no more than three (3) pages (Arial-font/12-point minimum) should be sent electronically to the Trust (or if necessary, it may be sent by mail). This letter should include a description of the project for which you are seeking funding, its intended beneficiaries, its impact in the short and long terms, and how it fits with the criteria listed above. Please describe the plan for sustaining the project beyond the grant requested from the Trust.

Addenda to the Letter of Inquiry should include the names and affiliations of board members, a separate one (1)-page, line item budget and a budget narrative that summarizes how the funds will be used, the total cost of the project, other donors/sources of funding needed and/or secured to complete the project.

The organization’s full contact information and that of any other key partners in the proposed project, along with a tax-exempt status letter, should also be attached to the letter of inquiry.

Letters of Inquiry are accepted on an ongoing basis; there are no deadlines.

Please send Letters of Inquiry and all other correspondence to:


Regular Mail:

Violet Jabara Charitable Trust

c/o Steven J. Wohl, Esq.
Davidson, Dawson & Clark LLP
60 E. 42nd Street, 38th floor
New York, NY 10165


Full Proposals

Only organizations meeting all criteria and deemed appropriate may be asked to submit a full project proposal. Follow-up inquiries will be initiated by the Trust or its representative; invitations to submit full proposals, including additional funding guidelines, will be communicated directly to applicants.

No phone calls, please.